Sport Gala Days
From 2025, our school, along with the other Liverpool Zone schools will now be competing in Sport Gala Days instead of participating in weekly PSSA competitions. This switch will provide students with the opportunity to be involved in a wider variety of sports throughout the year.
The Gala Day format consists of three seasons, with each season including four Gala Days. The fourth Gala Day in each season will be reserved for finals and grand finals.
For Season 1, the Gala Days will take place on the following Fridays:
• Term 1: Week 7 (Friday, 14 March) and Week 9 (Friday, 28 March)
• Term 2: Week 1 (Friday, 2 May) and Week 3 (Friday, 16 May)
Season 2: will take place in
• Term 2: Week 7 (Friday, 13 June) and Week 9 (Friday, 27 June)
• Term 3: Week 1 (Friday, 25 July) and Week 3 (Friday, 8 August)
Season 3: will take place in
• Term 3: Week 7 (Friday, 5 September) and Week 9 (Friday, 19 September)
• Term 4: Week 1 (Friday, 17 October) and Week 3 (Friday, 31 October)
The sports available for Season 1 include:
• Newcombe Ball
• Girls Soccer
• Touch Football
• T-Ball (Juniors) / Softball (Seniors)
Information regarding Sport Gala Days and locations can be found at the Liverpool PSSA website here: