Casula Public School

Quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 9602 3170

Road Safety

Casula Public School welcomes safe and careful drivers.

The roadways that form the perimeter of the school are well sign posted to facilitate safe movement of traffic- especially in the mornings and afternoons when when students are heading to or from the school.

front of school pedestrian crossing


The front of the school is bounded by De Meyrick Avenue, which becomes very busy at peak times.

In accordance with state laws, the roads surrounding the school are designated a school zone which carries a speed limit of 40km/hr during school pickup and drop off times. The area approaching the school pedestrian crossing has a speed limit of 25 km/hr.

Road safety is a community responsibility. Please support the school by observing the following regulations and extending courtesy to other road users.

Always drive within the speed limit and obey the street signs.

sign bus bay


You are permitted to stop in a NO PARKING zone for two minutes - and you must not leave your vehicle unattended during that time (stay within 3 metres of the vehicle). A "Kiss and Ride" zone carries the same rule as a NO PARKING zone.

Never stop in a NO STOPPING zone. Fines may exceed $319 and 2 demerit points in a school zone.

Assist traffic flow by avoiding double parking, parking across driveways or making U turns near the school. Traffic offences in school zones carry very heavy fines and loss of demerit points.

Please leave school driveways and utility entrances clear.

driveway street view


Always ensure that your passengers are safely buckled up before you enter the traffic flow.

If your child rides a bike to school, it is law that they must wear an approved safety helmet.

By observing these simple rules and courtesies we are making the local area a safer place for our children.